Darrell J. Dolan has been in the same location for over 30+ years serving clients in Indiana.
And yes, this is the same photo he has used for over 30 years!
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Adopting a child is one of the most loving and generous decisions an individual or couple can make in their lifetime. Not only are you creating or expanding your family, but you may also be saving a life.
Darrell Dolan has been helping families develop and expand for over 30 years through providing the law services they need when adopting. His old school law practice makes adopting a new family member quick and easy. Here is how a basic adoption works:
First, at an initial appointment Darrell will help you prepare the Petition for Adoption and file it with court system. Soon after, you will go through a background check and an additional report will be sent to the courts. If a natural parent is involved, a consent form will also need to be signed. If the natural parent cannot be located a legal notice will be published in the legal notices section of the paper. The final steps include a trip to the courthouse and the adoption process is complete!
Shortly after four weeks a new birth certificate will arrive and you can began to welcome your new family member.
This procedure may appear simple, but with 30+ years of experience we know every situation can be different or unique. Some adoptive parents want to take the baby home from the hospital, and other times a temporary court order of Custody is required, either way, this is an easy step and just requires an additional trip to the courthouse.
If you are either an adoptive parent or birth parent
who needs the legal services of an adoption attorney you should contact Darrell J Dolan. to receive pricing and information on adoption services contact us by e-mail or call 317-842-0022.